Lytham Road, Warton, PR4 1AD, United Kingdom


Holy Family Catholic Primary School

Love one another as I have loved you.


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The school, as a whole, has a very good attendance record - this is obviously due to the fact that you greatly value your child's education and only allow them to be absent if they really need to be.

 You will have seen in the media how much pressure is put upon schools to make sure that children attend school as much as possible, and quite rightly so, because the more children attend school the more progress they make.

Therefore, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the support you give the school, and your children, by ensuring that you take the children on holiday during the school holidays. 

As you will be aware, Holy Family School have 2 full weeks at the spring bank holiday. This is an opportunity for parents to have a longer holiday outside of term time, without having to pay higher prices. This is because the second week of this holiday is not recognised by holiday companies as a school holiday and therefore does not cost the inflated prices that school holidays can cost.  


If your child's attendance falls below 90% then school will speak to you about this concern. If your child's attendance does not improve after this initial concern meeting, you will receive a Stage 1 letter. This will outline school's concern and ask that you support school by ensuring your child attends school every day. If your child's attendance does not improve, your child's attendance will go onto Stage 2 where parents will be given half a term to improve his attendance. If this does not happen, the case will go to Stage 3 and the local authority will take over the case from the school where regular monitoring and home visits will be necessary. To try and avoid your child's attendance being affected in this way, please ensure your child is in school as much as possible.