Lytham Road, Warton, PR4 1AD, United Kingdom


Holy Family Catholic Primary School

Love one another as I have loved you.

Meet the governors


The Governing Body plays a vital role in the life of the school. Its main roles are to:

  • Set the aims and objectives for the school
  • Set the policies for achieving those aims and objectives
  • Set the targets for achieving those aims and objectives
  • Monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making towards achievement of its aims and objectives
  • Be a source of challenge and support to the Headteacher (a critical friend)

Our aim is to provide the best possible education, in the best possible environment for the children who attend Holy Family Catholic Primary School.

The Governing Body has a maximum of 13 Governors who are very conscientious and diligent and who take their responsibilities very seriously. They are not paid and they do not receive any expenses. They all freely and voluntarily give their time and effort to the school. The Diocese of Lancaster (Foundation) appoints seven of the Governors. They come from a variety of backgrounds and they bring many different skills and experiences to the school.

Holy Family Catholic Primary School
Governors 2023-24

Mr A Whiteside (Chair + Foundation Governor)

Father John Millar (Parish Priest + Foundation Governor)

Mr A Eccles (Foundation Governor)

Mrs J Robinson (Foundation Governor)

Miss R McGowan (Foundation Governor)

Mrs R Solomi (Foundation Governor)

Mr M Gaughan (Headteacher)

Mrs C Williams (Local Authority)

Mr P O'Brien (Parent Governor)

Mrs E Wilkinson (Staff Governor)

Nominated Governors

Schools' Portal + link training governor - Mr A Whiteside (FG)

More Able - Mr A Eccles (FG)

Literacy - Mrs J Robinson (FG)

R.E. - Father J Millar (PP)

SEN/Science - Mrs. C Williams (LA)

Numeracy/ICT/PSHE/Health & Wellbeing - Mr P O Brien (P)

Safeguarding and Online Safety/Prevent - Mr A Whiteside (FG)

Pupil Premium & LA pupils - Mrs R Solomi

Website compliance - Mrs C Williams

All the governors sit on the full governing body board and also on various sub-committees. These comprise of: The Catholic Life & Mission group, Resources group, Leadership & Management group, Standards & Effectiveness group, Academisation steering group , Admissions group plus a few smaller groups.

Types of Governors

Foundation Governors

These are governors who represent the Bishop.  As well as being responsible for the budget, staffing, curriculum, buildings and general policy of the school, another part of the role of a Foundation Governor is to uphold the Catholic character and ethos of the school. 

Parent Governors

As the name suggests these are governors who are chosen by the parents through a ballot system and have to be parents of children at the school at the time of appointment.  They do not represent parents but are governors in their own right as individuals, however, as parents they give a unique insight into what the school does, how it operates, how it could improve and what goes on in the school on a day to day basis. Like other governors they are also responsible for the budget, staffing, curriculum, buildings and general policy of the school.

LEA Governors

These are governors who are put forward as governors by the Local Education Authority (Lancashire).  They may be local authority employees but they do not have to be.  They are often retired people who would like to volunteer to support a school within the community and so put themselves forward to serve as a school governor.  The Governing Body has to agree to accept an LEA governor - the LEA cannot force a particular person on to a governing body. Like other governors they are also responsible for the budget, staffing, curriculum, buildings and general policy of the school.